Collectissim Magazine

The first high-end quarterly dedicated to jewellery heritage and expertise.

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The first high-end quarterly dedicated to jewellery heritage and savoir-faire.

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A magazine dedicated to Jewellery

Collectissim Magazine is an independent quarterly devoted to the world of jewellery, with the aim of introducing readers to this marvellous universe by highlighting its heritage and know-how through articles and interviews.

Mettre en avant le patrimoine et le savoir-faire joaillier

Évoquer la Joaillerie c’est Ă©voquer un passĂ© chargĂ© d’histoire mĂŞlant poĂ©sie et beautĂ© qui communique avec un prĂ©sent conjuguant patrimoine et innovation, Ă©voquer la Joaillerie c’est mettre en avant la quĂŞte du beau, de la perfection et de l’Ă©merveillement, enfin, Ă©voquer la Joaillerie c’est mettre en avant un prĂ©cieux savoir-faire perpĂ©tuĂ© par des milliers de mains Ă  travers le monde.

Highlighting jewellery heritage and savoir-faire

To evoke Jewellery is to evoke a past steeped in history, a blend of poetry and beauty that communicates with a present combining heritage and innovation; to evoke Jewellery is to highlight the quest for beauty, perfection and wonder; finally, to evoke Jewellery is to highlight a precious savoir-faire perpetuated by thousands of hands around the world.


A 100% Jewelry media

“Confronted to the lack of content related to the jewellery industry I decided to create an independent media allowing to highlight the jewellery universe.”
Guilhem Merolle
Founder Collectissim


A 100% Jewelry media

“Confronted to the lack of content related to the Jewellery sector I set out to create an independent media allowing to highlight the jewelry universe.”
Guilhem Merolle
Founder of Collectissim

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